BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, August 16, 2010

One More Week!!

Well, I went to the OB doctor today to check the baby's heart rate, pee in a cup, etc, and all seems to be going well. My uterus is about the size of a cantaloupe and the baby is the size of an onion! Wow! It's weird, I can feel this melon ball in my belly right under my belly button now. It's all hard and weird!! I can't help but want to poke it!

My OB also said that I should be feeling movements in the next 3 weeks or so, but I think I am feeling them already. They feel like little bumps and I feel it most when I am laying down or sitting in a chair or the car when my belly is scrunched up. I would think if it's gas, then gas would soon follow, but it doesn't. Hmm... My OB didn't seem to believe that it's movement, even though they say it can start at 14 weeks. We'll see in a few weeks if that's what it was. It's weird, I also feel it more when I listen to hard rock in my car. Maybe she likes the bass??

Also, a week from today, I get another ultrasound, which I am TOTALLY excited about. We'll get to see if she stays a SHE or not. I think she will. We just have to come up with a name that we can stick to if it's a girl. We think we have one so far, but there's always someone who doesn't like it, so it's hard not to be swayed!

In other news, my friend Amy is having a BOY! What did I say? We knew it a long time ago! So Little Miss will have a built in boyfriend! Carlos said, "what if they grow up and hate each other and you two have their wedding planned already?!" Not gonna happen! We'll MAKE them like each other! LOL!

Well, if you're interested, I posted pics of the belly progression on my photobucket page. Just go to (copy and paste, my hyperlink's not working):

It's not that big right now, it seems that she's laying more WIDE than straight out. Thanks, baby!! Just what I wanted, to look WIDER! I tell ya, this pregnancy thing ain't for sissies. To watch your ass widen, your thighs get bigger, your belly turn to jiggle and then a potbelly...why did I want this again?! She better be a good kid!!

Alright, that's all for now. I need to go do some wifely duties around the house. Talk soon!


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